Energetic Grid Reset

This is a two-month commitment. There will be a total of two to three (one-hour) sessions. You will be expected to set aside time to release and integrate after each session and process the work at multiple levels. 

The Process

Each energetic technique has a purpose; all are to help you…but they work on the surface level and never get to the root of where it all starts. Your energetic DNA is your divine energetic blueprint within Universal energy. It is your connection with the ALL THAT IS AND WILL BE. 

It is the memory of your first and last incarnations. It is also where you lay down your physical burdens, diseases, disorders, etc. You have codes for everything that you will experience in your lifetimes. All physical disease, all trauma, all … starts in the energetic grid, FIRST. And you carry it from lifetime to lifetime.  

Unless you manually go in and reset the wounds, patterns, and traumas. 

When you just work in the chakras, you are only scratching at the surface…and while it feels good, it doesn’t last, and you must continually have work done. 

When we do an Energetic Grid Reset, we can do it for a lifetime. 

If someone wants to experience a profound change in their life or is headed for a major transition, they may decide to do a Grid Reset. If someone is stuck in the same patterns of bad relationships, chronic health issues, etc., they may choose to do an energetic reset. 

It is important to note that we are facilitating the healing process, but we are not the cause of it. We are the “go between” and “Trans-dimensional Channel” that is the intermediary between the dimensions of time and space, and we are able to hold a space for you to heal. This process is a catalyst for transformation between you, your energies, your higher self, and your Spirit.